Sunday, December 14, 2008

How Valve jerk-proofed it

Like a fat kid and cake, I just keep coming back for more Left 4 Dead. Despite previous reports to the contrary, there are decent folks out there...and they play online games! I know anyone who has spent 5 minutes on XBOX live or any populated Counter Strike server will think I'm crazy, but I have yet to have a bad experience playing with random folks online. Granted, the game is more fun with your friends, but it seems to attract a better class of gamer in general. I think a large part of this is because griefers and selfish kids who play online shooters don't last long in Left 4 Dead. The game is a master at punishing those who hail from the "Me" generation. Try to go off by yourself to get more kills? Your a hunter pounce from death. Hoarding up health packs while your team bleeds to death? Once they die there is nobody left to pull that Smoker off you.

Play this game the wrong way and you will be punished again and again. The jerks go back to Counter-Strike or whatever the hell they played before Left 4 Dead. That's the most beautiful thing about what Valve has accomplished: 'jerk-proofing' the game.

Bravo Valve.

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