Monday, August 10, 2009

Not goodbye.

It has become increasingly easy to ration a larger portion of my gaming time to The Lord of the Rings Online. By "larger" what I really mean to say is "the entire". I never reckoned to think I would ever install an MMO, let alone play one to the exclusion of all other games! It happened though. Bit by bit, LotRO has surpassed Left 4 Dead and become my game of choice.

The idea of paying a monthly fee no longer rankles as it once did. At $9.99/month LotRO is obviously one of the better bargains in the MMO-verse, but I would happily pay more. Much more.

I should note that this will be the last blog from me for awhile. The future of Vanderblog is up in the air right now. A friend and I are looking to start a gaming blog of our own and it is likely I won't have time for this blog (even more likely that any material I would normally write about in Vanderblog will end up in the new blog anyway).

I'll post a link and more info when it becomes available.

Van out!

p.s. check out the Batman Arkham Asylum demo (yes, it's on Steam). Good stuff.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

"but I would happily pay more. Much more"

Now now, don't go giving 'em ideas...