Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not like dusting crops at all

A long time ago in a galaxy far away I was a card carrying member of the Official Star Wars Fan Club. I mean that very literally. Once a year my new membership package would arrive complete with a letter penned personally to me by George Lucas himself, obligatory poster, bumper sticker, and my new membership card. Once a year I would reverently retire the previous years' card, placing the new one in a place of honor in my wallet. In front of my EB Edge card. Sadly, it eventually occurred to me that aside from providing concrete proof of my nerdom in the event of a bad traffic accident, I really had no benefits to being a member. Any exclusive news announced in the pages of Star Wars Insider stopped being exclusive the moment it hit the hands of any fanboy with an internet connection. It provided access to discounts on Star Wars merchandise, but I already had more than I needed: At this point in my career of being a Star Wars fan I'm only interested in new books or movies. Still, I'm going to miss getting those membership packages in the mail.

On to the subject of games: my backlog is stagnating! Aside from a few missions in Age of Empires 3, I have accomplished no single player gaming. Left 4 Dead still commands much of my gaming time while CSS and TF2 are always on the periphery of my gaming vision. LotRO demands weekly time. Combine that with a surge in the clan to play Diablo to hell and back and a call to revisit Guild Wars, there is definitely a conspiracy to make me into a multiplayer only gamer. Should I mention I also got beta keys for Quake Live AND Battlefield Heroes? Hopefully I am able to cowboy up and finish off AOE3 soon. The sooner I knock it out the sooner I can feast on Bioshock...or Crysis...or Far Cry 2. So much goodness to choose from. If only I didn't have friends to get in the way.

1 comment:

AmishAmbush said...

You always were the biggest Star Wars geek I have ever known. Get a life nerd.

I wouldn't sweat the back log too much. Anything that you can do with a group of people is going to be more fun than doing it by yourself. Except crossword puzzles but then again I might be wrong because I have never done team crossword puzzles. But think about it everything from playing sports to painting a room to watching TV is immensely better when doing it with someone else. It is the same thing with video games, I would rather play the original Neverwinter Nights with my friends and family members than play the newest elder scrolls game by myself. While I am on that subject; Betheseda, making me go through the same damn portals to climb the same damn tower to fight the same damn enemies is not only boring but lazy design. Make the world smaller and more focused and chuck the portals to other worlds in the future. It is easily the worst part of the game.

Now back to my original point. Single player games are to be played when your internet connection is down.

Nuff said.

Nuff said.