Friday, February 27, 2009

A kick in my creative pants...

My newfound free time has been amazing. I drew up my first TF2 map layout this week in a long LONG time. I also put pen to paper and brainstormed a lot of cool ideas for the map as well. The basic premise is a ctf map set in the Egyptian theme. With the release of cp_Egypt as an official VALVe map, the SDK was updated with the new props and materials so I thought why not? After putting a brief design doc together with some concept layouts, I will be working on this together with a friend. I am very excited about this creative process! It seems, at least on the front end of this journey, that having a partner to help hold me accountable is something my previous efforts have been sorely lacking. Particularly since those efforts never saw the light of day. The plan is to use this map as a means to get us 'in shape' for the tedious process of putting together a Left 4 Dead campaign. The L4D update for the Source SDK is coming sometime soon and we want to hit the ground running with our project. The campaign has no name, and I can't reveal anything about it, but it has an original 'story' behind it and it will be fun making something to be proud of. We haven't spoken about it, but I have no doubt my partner in crime will agree...nay, demand...that there will be a versus map version in addition to the single player.

More regarding L4D: our clan is working hard to get in shape for the TWL ladder. We got beaten easily in our first match 2 weeks ago, but we took a lot from it and I feel our team is in much better shape. I still haven't picked a starting 4, but we have 6-7 solid players and I'm excited to see what we can do. This last week we've been giving out nightly pub stompings, but we've also scrimmed against other clans, taking our vengeance for our previous failure on the ladder. Tonight is our next ladder match! Keep your fingers crossed for us.

I can't recall if I mentioned it before, but I founded an RTS Club with some of my clan members. The basic idea is that RTS games aren't as easy to find multiplayer games for since FPS games tend to dominate our gaming time. The club started out with 3 official games, and all members agreed to obtain the games. We meet bi-weekly and have had very good turnouts in our first 4 meetings. The games we play are Command & Conquer 3, Starcraft, and Age of Empires 3. There's nothing special to report about the club: I'm just proud to have created something in our clan that has gathered a solid following. Even if our Starcraft night turned into a slideshow.

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