Monday, March 9, 2009

A simpler approach

Work continues at a steady pace on the TF2 mapping project. I completed a rough layout of the 3rd level of the map and with that we now have a working idea of how the base composition will look. Over the weekend I worked on a little Hammer mockup of some ideas I had for the ground in between bases. We're leaning towards an archaeological/excavation dig site a la Indiana Jones. The dig sites will link up to comprise the alternate intel route between Red and Blu. With the completion of the layouts for this middle ground, hopefully by the end of the week, I'll be able to open up Hammer and properly begin to transfer our ideas into the 3rd dimension. During that time, I also plan to work on a contest entry at It's nothing big or time consuming, just designing an intel room, but it will be good practice for the larger task of mapping out our level.

I probably shouldn't, but I'm going to speak about Blacksite: Area 51 again. If only for the fact that this game should have been so much more. The story is only rubbish because of the lame way in which it was told. Take out the overt anti Iraqi war references, establish better pacing, and fill in the blanks concerning the aliens a bit better and you have a much more cohesive story. Your part of a tightnit Army squad. On a botched mission to help secure a government coverup your buddy gets left behind presumed dead. Now he is back, having been experimented as part of a super soldier program and you along with the rest of your squad have to take him down. There was every reason this storyline should have been epic, but it failed because of poor presentation. The gameplay was solid, it used the Unreal Tournament 3 engine, but it was stopped short by a busted squad system: your squad can't die. Ever. The game devolves into sending the squad around every corner and then mop up whats left. You can only carry 2 weapons, and that's ok, because none of the other weapons are worth carrying for very long. Between levels you don't keep the same weapons you had...even when the level picks right up where the last level left off. I won't bore you much longer, but the whole game screamed 'rush job'. The lack of polish is appalling, especially given that the game could have been so much better if it were developed properly. A wasted 6 hours...not by the game I played mind you, but the game I COULD have played. Now, what to play next?

Just a quick note, our Left 4 Dead team seems to be getting worse. We've been losing some pub matches that we should normally win. Maybe I've been putting too much thought into our techniques. I'm going to try a simpler approach and see how that works. Wish us luck.

Van out.


AmishAmbush said...

Can my Left 4 dead Ladder team be salvaged?

I am not optimistic. We have been beaten twice in a row by random Public teams? What are public team you may ask? Well, that is when you set up a game and invite random people to come in and play your (supposedly) well-oiled team. Except that doesn’t work for us. No instead we call in random people and end up getting gnawed on like the guy in the “tricking it to the treat video”.

Not a pretty sight. We don’t practice enough to be a dominate team, but we should at least have our stuff together to beat a team cobbled together from the red-headed kid from Harry Potter, Screech from Saved by the Bell, Tina Yothers and Slingblade. Right? Apparently not. As a matter of fact, I am going to publicly challenge the above mentioned team and if we cannot beat them then I will never play the game again. Can you imagine Slingblade talking over teamspeak? “Mmmmmm Bill tastes good with Jelly… mmmmmm… I like the way you pounce too….”. enough.

AmishAmbush said...

"I got a stomach ache!"

rustymoore said...

"Maybe I'll play a lil bit a keyboard...quietly...Ahh"

AmishAmbush said...

I think I like the video so much because the guy in the vampire cape looks like Nate and the Austin powers guy could be his brother.

Unknown said...

We have just been in a slump recently. We were stomping those pubbers not too long ago. We'll get back in form.